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cold planers PR-450C, PR-1000 wheel tractor scrapers 631EII, 627B, 637E cold PR-1000C PM-565 teng 3208, 3306, 3306B, 3408B, 1673C 3408 compactors 836 track type tractors D9R, D7GLGP, D10N, D9L, D7GSA, D9N track excavators 229 pipe 589 comp PS-500 wtl 988B, 988F, 990, 992C vees 27 to 32 liter 3412C pipelayers 571G meng 3412, 3408, 3408C, C175-16, 3408B, 3412C, 3412D, 3208 petr C175-16 ttt D9R, D7GLGP, D10N, D9L, D7GSA, D9N ieng D330C, 3408C, 3208, 3412C, 3306, D333C, 3412, 3304, 3408B, 3408 wts 657E, 613C, 637E, 631E, 651E off highway trucks 793FXQ wheel loaders 992D oht 769C, 775B, 795F AC 793F CMD 773B, 771C, 793F, 797F, 793F XQ epg 3412, 3408, 3412C, 3408B wheel dozers 834B